9. Six more principles of seeing the world new again.

My last post listed the first 5 underlying principles of learning to see the world through a new lens.  As I said, until you know that you are the master of how you do see and are willing to observe from a more ‘eyes wide open’ place, you are naturally going to remain stuck in [...]

9. Six more principles of seeing the world new again.2020-02-05T17:53:43+00:00

13. Inner Spaces

I personally need significant stretches of time to sink into the inner spaces of quiet, solitude, reflection and meditation. It grounds me and allows me to better connect to what surrounds me in a more centered way. It is my way of detaching, regenerating and at the same time connecting...an interesting duality of connection and [...]

13. Inner Spaces2020-02-05T17:53:47+00:00